Three Reasons To Have A Mole Removed

Posted on: 1 June 2016


Most people will develop a mole at some point in their lifetime. It is actually estimated that the average person will have an average of 30-40 of these beauty marks, or blemishes, which are actually small groups of cells that have a particular pigment. Many moles are brown, but they can also appear to be black, blue, or even flesh-toned. While most of these are harmless, there are times that you may want or need to have them removed. Here are three of the most common times that this may be a good idea.

Remove A Mole That You Fear Is Cancerous

Each year, approximately 1 million people are diagnosed with some type of skin cancer. These cancers include:

These cancers occur when normal skin cells morph or undergo a certain type of mutation that then allows the cells to grow and multiply. These growths or tumors can sometimes take on the appearance of a new mole or can cause a mole to change color, shape, or size. While the malignant form of this disease can be deadly, your best chance of survival is through early detection and treatment.

You should visit a dermatologist and have your moles inspected and possibly removed if you have a mole that meets any one of the criteria of ABCDE. These are:

  • A - Asymmetrical - Your mole is asymmetrical when the mole is divided in half and the two sides of the mole do not match
  • B - Border - A suspicious mole will have a border that is uneven or that is not smooth.
  • C - Color - Most moles appear to be a single solid color. Suspicious moles often appear to be made up of multiple colors, or experience a change in color.
  • D - Diameter - Malignant moles are often larger than those that are not malignant, but this is not always the case, especially if they are caught early.
  • E - Evolving - You should have concerns about a mole that changes in shape, size, symptoms, elevation, or anything else.

Remember early detection is the key. If you have any doubt or concern, make an appointment immediately to have your mole examined.

Remove A Mole That Is Causing Discomfort

Unfortunately, you do not get to pick and choose where your moles will show up at. Many times the location of the mole can cause pain or discomfort in these areas, often due to clothing binding, bumping, or rubbing against it.

Moles located on your face and neck may become irritated by your jewelry or your glasses. No matter what causes the mole to cause discomfort, any mole that is located in an area that causes any type of pain needs to be removed. 

Remove A Mole That You Consider Unsightly

Not every mole is considered to be a beauty mark. Depending on the size, shape, and location of the mole, it can actually make you self-conscious and can have an impact on your self-confidence and self-esteem.

Moles can usually be removed in one of three ways. Your dermatologist may choose to:

Cut it off - This process can vary based on the size and depth of the mole. You may experience something as simple as shaving a small mole off, while other moles may require the doctor to "surgically" remove them.

Freeze it off - This is normally done with liquid nitrogen. Although this may blister the site of the mole for a few days, once the blister goes away, there is usually no sign of the mole.

Burn it off - By using a small laser or other tool, your doctor may be able to burn off a small amount of the layer of skin that the mole is in. Once these layers of skin are removed the mole will be also.

Unfortunately, depending on how the mole has to be removed, you may be left with a small scar, and this may be worse than the mole itself. Ask a dermatologist at an office like Northwest  Dermatology for their opinion of what the site will look like once your mole is removed. Once you have their opinion, you will be able to make an educated decision.