Four Botox Effects That You May Not Know About

Posted on: 3 June 2016


When you think of Botox injections, you might think of the silly, immobile faces that people make that can't show any expression. However, a proper, moderate Botox treatment can actually do some pretty amazing things for your appearance and your health. Here are some things you might not have known about Botox injections.

1. They don't just fix existing wrinkles; they also prevent them from getting worse.

People often get Botox injections to reduce the presence of wrinkles in certain places on the face to make themselves appear younger. However, a little known side effect is that, because the muscles have reduced mobility, wrinkles can't continue to progress while the Botox is in effect. This way, you look younger while the Botox works (usually for a few months; results vary based on the person and number of injections), but also your wrinkles develop more slowly even after the treatment has faded.

For this effect, it is best to choose injections from a fully trained dermatologist -- not all people certified to do injections are well-trained, and the effects can end up making lines and drooping skin worse instead of better

2. They can be effective for muscle pain.

The botulinum toxin that serves as the basis for Botox injections actually works by blocking nerve signals to the muscles, rendering the muscles unable to contract, encouraging a state of relaxation that is not possible under normal circumstances. People who suffer from muscle spasms, chronic muscle pain, or involuntary muscle contractions after an injury can find pain relief by seeing a dermatologist for a Botox treatment. Because all muscles interact with the muscles and tissues that surround them, these injections must be placed with great care, and they cannot be placed in areas where regular body functions, such as chewing or using your hands, would be affected. Using botox for pain relief is a developing science, but one that is worth investigation for those who live with daily muscle pain. 

On a similar note, people who live with conditions like cervical dystonia, where the muscles in the head and neck spontaneously contract, or people with muscle tremors or uncontrolled blinking, can also benefit from the botulinum toxin. 

3. Botox can help with excessive sweating.

Underarm sweating is a reality for almost everyone, but some people find that they sweat copiously to the point of ruining clothes and feeling professional embarrassment over sweat stain in the armpits. The botulinum toxin can actually prevent the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that stimulates the sweat glands. Without the stimulation from acetylcholine, the skin will not sweat, since the nerve signals will not register. Therefore, an injection under the armpits placed by a dermatologist can be an excellent solution for those who sweat through even the strongest of anti-perspirants. 

4. Migraines can be treated with Botox.

While the science behind using Botox injections for migraines is not fully clear, it was approved as a treatment for migraines by the FDA in 2010. Scientist speculate that the reason it works is because the toxin prevents nerve impulses by blocking neurotransmitters, which can reduce pain pathways in the brain on the onset of a migraine. This is one area where muscles are not thought to play a role, but the nerves themselves are the primary target in treatment. Botox is not be used for one-time migraine relief, but it is a treatment for people who suffer chronic, debilitating migraines several times a month. 

As you can see, there are more uses for this amazing bacterial toxin than just basic wrinkle smoothing. Whether you're using Botox to look younger or getting specialized treatment for muscle spasms, you can talk to a dermatologist, such as those at Jordan Valley Dermatology, about injection options for your particular needs.